A camera zooms in without crowding its subject. A song about someone elses damage helps you understand your own, and puts you on to new mysteries. Stars look like grains of sand. On Little Kid's new album, their Gold Day and Orindal Records debut A Million Easy Payments, the urgency in Kenny Boothby's voice matches the stakes of his lyrics, epic ballads and reveries that come at life from all angles and exposures, driving at and a little over the limits of self-reflection. The band's lilting folk-rock arrangements carry Boothby's stories, occasionally lifting them skyward with flurries of cello samples, pedal steel, flute, and electric piano. It's a record of depression and frustration that doesn't stew in piety or aestheticize pain, that also explodes with life. Fragile and abundant. It's a record with blood in its veins.
LP - Logic Songs (Self-released, 2011)
LP - River of Blood (Self-released, 2013)
LP - Flowers (Self-released, 2016)
LP - Sun Milk (Self-released, 2017)
LP - Might As Well With My Soul (Self-released, 2018)
LP - Transfiguration Highway (Solitaire Recs, 2020)
LP - A Million Easy Payments (Orindal Records, Gold Day 2024)